Life Groups
Our Life Groups are designed to empower the people of PAG to build community and foster spiritual growth. Throughout scripture we clearly see that we were never meant to take this journey alone. Jesus’ first churches followed the pattern of meeting in both large groups as well as small groups (Acts 2.46). Every Sunday we meet as a large group to encounter God through worship and teaching. But following Jesus also requires the encouragement, fellowship, and accountability that happens best within the context of a smaller group.
Find out more about PAG Life Groups!
Men's Ministry
From small groups to large conferences and activities geared for guys, we aim to reach men at all levels. At PAG, we challenge men to live out God's view of manhood and sharpen one another so we can be better husbands, fathers and leaders. Each month we meet on the first Tuesday at 6:30P for Man2Man.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.

Women's Ministries
Our world is changing rapidly, and so are the needs of women. We as Christians must be relevant to those we want to reach. With that in mind, we have created multiple opportunities for every woman to find her place and be encouraged by other women.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.
Women's Ministries
Our world is changing rapidly, and so are the needs of women. We as Christians must be relevant to those we want to reach. With that in mind, we have created multiple opportunities for every woman to find her place and be encouraged by other women.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.

18.25 Young Adults
Adulting isn’t easy. We know that the transition from High School to the “real” world is a challenge for many. That is why Painesville Assembly of God offers a Young Adult Bible study. We get together every 2nd and 4th Sunday evening for food, fellowship, and a time of discussion where we ask the difficult questions about life and faith. If you are interested in attending please email our Youth & Young Adult Pastor Nick Miller at nick@painesvilleag.com
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.

Forever Young
Forever Young reaches those 55 and older who are in the prime of their life and loving every minute of it! We meet once a month for a meal together and great conversation. We also set aside time to reach out in ministry to those who are unable to attend church or currently recovering from surgery or rehab.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.
Forever Young
Forever Young reaches those 55 and older who are in the prime of their life and loving every minute of it! We meet once a month for a meal together and great conversation. We also set aside time to reach out in ministry to those who are unable to attend church or currently recovering from surgery or rehab.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.

Water Baptism
The Bible teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to Jesus. Baptism allows a believer to communicate to the world their new commitment to Christ.At Painesville Assembly, we encourage believers to be baptized in water. We do this because:
Jesus, as the Son of God, set a great example for us to follow when he was personally baptized (Matthew 3.16). Jesus commanded us to be baptized (Matthew 28.19). Water baptism symbolizes the brand new life that Jesus gives (Romans 6.4).
How Can I Sign Up?
How Can I Learn More?
PAG Kids
If you have a child in K-5th grade, they are in for the time of their lives at PAG Kids! Fun lessons, passionate worship, and life-changing times of prayer! For our pre-schoolers, adventures are available with PAG Kids Junior!
We meet every Sunday at 11A!
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.
Royal Rangers
Royal Rangers is a mentoring program for future men. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.
We meet every Wednesday at 7P, Boys ages K-5th grade.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.
Girls Ministry
Girls Ministries is a program designed to develop girls spiritually and mentally. The emphasis is on Christian discipleship and growing godly character.
We meet every Wednesday at 7P, Girls ages K-5th grade.
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.
REALITY Student Ministires
Reality Student Ministries is the 6th-12th grade ministry at Painesville Assembly of God. RSM exists to connect students to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ!
At Reality Student Ministries we are real people, who serve a real God, looking for real Change.
We meet in the Youth Chapel every Wednesday at 7P. All 6th-12th graders are welcome!
For info on our upcoming events, please visit our online calendar.

We support dozens of Missionaries and their families across this world! We believe that while having an impact in your community is vital, we also have to fulfill the great commission by supporting those who are able to travel to the furthest regions of the world. Check out each of the missionaries we support, and how YOU can help them reach the lost!

Join a Serving Team!
The two great commandments from Jesus are to love God and love people. At Painesville AG we believe that some of the greatest way to fulfill these commandments are by serving. We offer many ways to serve both in the Church and within the community. To find out more, please follow the link below.

Join Painesville Assembly of God's Online Community!
It is our desire that you connect with those around you...whether that be through a Life Group, an Event, or by serving in an area of ministry where you're gifted.We pray this tool is a blessing to you and enables you to "Connect. Grow. Serve."
Contact Us!
Got a question for us? A prayer request? Need to talk to someone? We’re here. Every question, concern, and prayer request is received and answered personally by one of our staff members or volunteer leaders; just use the contact form below, or feel free to stop by our office!